Sep 23, 2018


Amphitheater of Acropolis Museum

Subject: “Culture as a mirror but also a medicine of sadness in ancient Greece”

Moraitou Despina, Dr. Philology of University of Cologne, Dr. Psychology of University of Athens, Lecturer at the Department of Psychology at Panteion University, Author


Subject: “Psychosomatic Afflictions and the Role of Altered/Alternate States of Consciousness in Indigenous Ethnomedical Systems”

Speaker: Diana Riboli, Assistant Professor, Department of Social Anthropology, at Panteion University


Subject: “Science Observes the Soul”

Christodoulakis Theodosis, Psychiatrist – Psychoanalyst, Director of Psychiatric Clinic “Panagia Grigorousa”


Subject: “The Relationship with God as a factor of mental resilience”

Vassilios Thermos, Dr Theological School of Athens, Psychiatrist, Archpriest


Subject: “Exploring Self-Compassion – Our True Spiritual Nature

Sarah Eagger, Psychiatrist MB, BS; F RCPswch


Subject: “From the trauma to creation: the strange of the soul”

Fotini Tsalikoglou, Clinical Psychologist, Emeritus Professor of Panteion University, Author


Coordinator: George Krallis

Social-Intercultural Worker, Special Social Groups Motivator, NDI Psychotherapist

President of the Non-Profit Organization “Humanlinks”


Venue: Amphitheater of Acropolis Museum

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  • Despina Moraitou


    Dr. Despina Moraitou studied classical philology at the Department of Philology of the University of Athens. She continued with postgraduate studies in classical philology, philosophy and pedagogy at the University of Cologne as a scholar of the State Scholarships Foundation (I.K.Y.). She holds a Phd degree in classical philology from the University of Cologne ;

  • Vasilios Thermos


    Vasileios Thermos was born in Lefkada in 1957 and studied Medicine and Theology at the University of Athens. She is a psychiatrist of children and adolescents. He is a Ph.D. of the Faculty of Theology of the University of Athens and Assistant Professor of Pastoral Care at the Higher Ecclesiastical Academy of Athens. He has

  • Diana Riboli


    Diana Riboli, PhDis Assistant Professor in Social Anthropology at the Department of Social Anthropology, Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Athens, Greece. Since 2015 she is President of the International Society for Academic Research on Shamanism (ISARS, She has been carrying out ethnographic research among the Chepang of Central and Southern Nepal and

  • Theodosios Christodoulakis


    He was born in Athens in 1960. He graduated from the “La sapienza” University and was awarded a Doctor of Medicine in 1985 with his dissertation on “the use of neuroleptic medicines at the third age”. In 1986 he served his military service in the Navy and specialized in diving medicine and hyperbaric oxygen chambers.

  • Fotini Tsalikoglou


    Fotini Tsaligoglou studied at the University of Geneva and specialized in Clinical Psychology. She is a writer and emeritus professor of Psychology at the Panteion University, where she taught the courses ”Clinical Psychology through Literature and Art” and ”Criminal Psychology: Clinical Applications”. She is a writer of many scientific books and essays and a member

  • Sarah Eagger


    Dr Sarah Eagger(MB,BS; FRCPsych) is a consultant psychiatrist working privately in the City of London.  After 30 years in the NHS she retired as a consultant and honorary senior clinical lecturer at the department of Psychological Medicine, Imperial College, London. She is past chair and continues on the executive committee of: the Spirituality Special Interest

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